Tapestry Discovery Box — Rebecca Mezoff

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Tapestry Discovery Box
A Collaboration with Rebecca Mezoff and Gist Yarn

Registration is open on Gist Yarn’s website.

The Tapestry Discovery Box is a quarterly subscription that includes weft yarn from Gist’s popular Array line and a new techniques course from Rebecca Mezoff.

This is a subscription product that comes out in January, April, July, and October.

Each box will contain 7 colors of Array tapestry wool along with a new course from Rebecca. The course material will teach a new technique each quarter and present a suggested project using the new technique and the yarn colors we’re working with.

The course contains bonus videos about commonly used techniques along with the ability to interact with the community of people who are working with the same concepts for those three months.

The course content from boxes you’ve paid for will be available for you as long as you need it going forward.

The Tapestry Discovery Box is a fantastic way to

  • build your tapestry skills,

  • get help from a seasoned teacher,

  • and interact with other students in the class for inspiration.

Registration is open on Gist Yarn’s website.

I LOVE these boxes! Your instruction is engaging and inspiring, and your picks for project yarn are always fun! Thank you for sharing your know how!
— Eileen Hoskin via Facebook

Course content

Each quarter will contain a new video course – with at least one technique video and a video or two with project ideas for your new set of Array yarn.

My goal in these classes is to present the techniques and how to use them in a way that is useful for weavers of all levels. Even if you’ve been weaving tapestry for awhile, content on techniques that you already know is going to be useful in your work.

One of the most exciting things about this subscription box is that you get ongoing community interaction. I’ll answer your questions and you’ll also get to chat online with other tapestry weavers who are working on the same material at the same time.

UPDATE on how the course is delivered for January 2025 and beyond

Starting with the January 2025 box, the course content will be in a new course on Pathwright each quarter. We will be adding you to the course manually each quarter, so you will not be getting a link to click as you have in the past. Rebecca will be manually adding subscribers to the box on the 16th or 17th of the month. If you subscribe at a different time, you’ll be added to the box about the time your yarn arrives in the mail.

January 2025 - hatching

We’ll be working with shading, shadows, and hatching in this box. We’ll focus on learning how to do hatching and will explore different ways to use this very important tapestry technique. We’ll address how to use hatching for color gradation, shading, and to help accentuate forms. We’ll look at using irregular hatching as well as making patterns and forms with regular hatching.

Colors for this box are: White, Lime 3, Meadow 2, Indigo 4, Walnut 3, Cherry 5, Violet 1. If you’d like additional colors added to your box, you shoudl contact Gist Yarn starting January 1, 2025. They ship the box on January 15th.

For those of you in the UK, Weaversbazaar equivalents as close as I can come are: WB: White = White, Lime 3 = Apple 4, Meadow 2 = Lush Green, Indigo 4 = Blue 3, Walnut 3 = Aubergine, Cherry 5 = Ruby 3, Violet 1 = Violet 4. The weaversbazaar palette is quite different from Array, so these are only rough approximations. Feel free to use your own color choices, just make sure you have some value differences.

April 2025 - Color Harmonies

This box will be about color harmonies and planning color palettes. More information is coming in March or earlier if you’re in the prior box (just look at the last step in the last quarter’s material for colors and plans).

I will include some bonus material in this box about using the Palette Scout tool for choosing palettes. This is optional. You do not have to purchase this tool, but I will be using it to demonstrate alongside a color wheel. We’ll use Palette Scout or a color wheel to choose a palette for the July 2025 box. You can use a color wheel instead if you don’t want to purchase Palette Scout (available from Gist Yarn’s sister business, Zollie Makes HERE).

You can add Palette Scout to your Gist yarn shipment for the April box. THIS video from Gist Yarn explains how to add something to your shipment.

Colors for the April box are: Daffodil 1, Forest 1, Sapphire 1, Eggplant 1, Cherry 1, Tangerine 1, Lime 1. The weaversbazaar approximations for people in the UK are: WB: Daffodil 1 = Sunburst 3, Forest 1 = Aqua 7, Sapphire 1 = Bice Blue 4, Eggplant 1 = Violet 4, Cherry 1 = Scarlet, Tangerine 1 = Orange 4, Lime 1 = Apple 6.

July 2025 - Complementary Color Harmony

This box will be about complementary color harmony. Colors are Burgundy 3, Meadow 4, Daffodil 4, Olive 2, Periwinkle 2, Cayenne 3, Black 2

October 2025 - quality of Line in Tapestry

We’ll be tackling the quality of line in tapestry. More details are coming soon. The colors are: Indigo 1, Terracotta 2, Cinnamon 2, Walnut 5, Marigold 2, Tangerine 2, Forest 4

2026 boxes - TBA

The Tapestry Discovery Box will continue! Stay tuned for future subjects.



The Tapestry Discovery Box is $155 per quarter which includes seven colors of Array yarn and all the educational and community interactions detailed above.

I’m loving the course! It’s taking me out of my comfort zone and keeping me accountable. The videos are fantastic, explanations clear and questions answered quickly! And in detail.

Rebecca, you are an outstanding teacher! Thank you!
— Catherine O.

Missed a box? It might be available!

Short stand-alone courses from Gist Yarn and Rebecca Mezoff

We’re bringing back some of the most popular Tapestry Discovery Boxes as short stand-alone courses! If you missed a box or want to try before you subscribe, you can find information about these short courses HERE.

Currently available stand-alone courses include:

Wedge Weave (register HERE)
Curves, circles, hills and valleys (register HERE)

A conversation with Rebecca Mezoff and Sarah Resnick of Gist Yarn

Have questions?
Sarah Resnick, owner of Gist Yarn, and I had a good chat about the Tapestry Discovery Box when it first launched. We also discussed how Array tapestry wool was created and answered questions about the box, Gist yarn, and tapestry in general. You can watch the replay on YouTube HERE.


Where do I sign up?

Registration for this subscription box and the ongoing course that comes with it is only through Gist Yarn’s website. The Tapestry Discovery Box is found on their website under Subscriptions HERE.

Can I sign up for the Current yarn box class if I haven't done any of the other ones?

Yes! You can start the current Discovery Box at any time. Each box is stand-alone so you do not need to have done the previous boxes to participate.

Can I sign up for past boxes?

We beginning to offer past boxes as an a la carte option for people who missed them the first time around. The currently available stand-alone boxes are listed above.

Boxes are available for the three months they’re live through the Tapestry Discovery Box. If you missed one you’d like, you can sign up for this a la carte option as they becoming available.

Can I see more reviews?

There is a long list of reviews on Gist’s website about this course. Please go to this page and scroll down to read them.

What further tools and materials do I need?

The Tapestry Discovery Box comes with 7 colors of Gist Array yarn every quarter. You’ll need to provide all your other materials including warp, a loom, and other weaving tools. There is a list of possible materials in the FAQ section of my website: https://rebeccamezoff.com/resources. I also cover this information right in the class.

Expand the following questions for answers to more FAQs:

Eileen Hoskin, Pocket Meadow, woven in the TDB9 hatching course

I appreciate that you can address people’s interests while still maintaining a sequence of instruction. Last quarter’s box about curves was great and now eccentric weaving takes it a bit further. I am also looking forward to box 6 about wedge weave. ​Your teaching style is impressive. I am so happy that you started this collaboration with GIST. For those of us living in rural areas, weaving instruction in person is hard to come by.
— Kathleen P. in Box #5, 2024

Past boxes

Below are all the boxes we’ve had since January 2023.

These boxes will be available as a la carte classes starting with the Wedge Weave box in January of 2025. We’ll be offering other boxes this way shortly. The a la carte boxes are not a subscription product but a stand-alone class plus seven colors of Array. The cost is $200. You can find those classes on Gist’s website HERE. If you’re interested in a particular box that you missed the first time around, let us know!

January 2023 - Weft Bundling

This month was all about weft bundling. We explored what happens when you mix different colors, talk a bit about value and color theory, and I presented a project about openings. I suggest weaving something with the theme of doors or windows. There are many directions you can take that idea! Colors for this box are: Ocean 1, Natural, Cayenne 4, Cayenne 2, Cinnamon 1, Indigo 1, Walnut 4

April 2023 - Gradations

This box was all about weaving gradations. We learned how to use gradation and various ways to accomplish it both with dyed yarn gradations and using technique. Weaving gradation also has a lot to do with value, so we also talked about this aspect of color theory. The projects varied, but there were some fun landscape designs using the graded Gist Array yarns. Colors for this box are: Forest 1, 2, 3; Sapphire 3, 4; Cherry 2; Cocoa 2

July 2023 - Which Way to Weave a Design

We’ll be exploring an aspect of design that is often challenging, which way to weave a design. You can weave your image bottom to top just as you’d display it or you can turn it sideways to weave it. There are considerations for every design so this topic also includes a look at considerations for tapestry design. Colors for this box are: Burgundy 2, Walnut 1, Violet 2, Daffodil 3, Olive 4, Periwinkle 5, Indigo 3

October 2023 - Building Shapes

We’ll be talking about weaving a shape at a time. There are times you want to weave one form all at once and other times when you need to weave line by line. This quarter we talk about why and play with building shapes! Colors for this box are: Black 1, Ocean 5, Marigold 1, Eggplant 2, Cherry 1, Flamingo 4, Terracotta 1

New subscribers starting in November may get Eggplant 1 or Eggplant 2, and Cherry 1 or Cherry 2 - either of these work well for the projects in this quarter's box. 

January 2024 - Eccentric Weaving

We’ll be working on various ways to use eccentric weaving in our work. This could just be outlining or it could include whole shapes woven eccentrically. We’ll discuss what happens when you weave everything eccentrically (meaning the weft is not traveling perpendicular to the warp) versus just small parts of a weaving. And I’ll help you understand how to chose in your own work. Colors for this box are: Burgundy 1, Meadow 1, Tangerine 5 and 3, Cocoa 4, Sapphire 2. As the seventh color, this quarter half of subscribers will be receiving Lime-4, and the other half will get Daffodil-4. Unfortunately Gist Yarn isn’t able to take requests for which color you'll get, but both look lovely in the projects for this quarter!

April 2024 - Wedge Weave

Wedge weave. We’ll tackle this most beautiful of eccentric weaving techniques. We’ll learn the basics of the technique and I’ll give you some ideas of how to use it in various ways. Colors for this box are Flamingo 3 and 5, Indigo 2, Ocean 2, Sapphire 5, Tangerine 4, Cinnamon 5.

July 2024 - Curves, circles, hills and valleys

This quarter’s box is all about curves. We’ll talk about hill and valley threads and how to use them to trick the eye into believing that a stepped vertical line is curvy. There will also be a video about circles. For this box I am providing some easier cartoons for practice by newer tapestry weavers and a really fun challenge for more advanced weavers. You’ll leave this box having a better understanding of how to make forms in tapestry, an eye that sees where the relays need to change more quickly, and with at least one finished tapestry using vertical curves or circles! Colors for this box are Black 5, Eggplant 3, Lotus 1 & 4, Olive 1, Cocoa 1, Marigold 3.

October 2024 - Pick and Pick

This quarter’s box is all about pick and pick (also called half-pass). This sometimes maligned technique can be magic once you learn how to manage it. It is a marvelous way of making vertical stripes but it can also be used for color blending, fading, and even a two-layer transparency effect. Colors for this box are: Forest 5, Periwinkle 1, Burgundy 5, Walnut 2, Cayenne 1, Ocean 3, Daffodil 2. If you’d like to add any additional colors to your order, you can do that by contacting Gist Yarn starting October 1st. The box ships on October 15th. Weaversbazaar equivalents are: WB: Forest 5 = Light Sage, Periwinkle 1 = night sky, Burgundy 5 = cinnabar 1, Walnut 2 = orange 9, Cayenne 1 = Cinnabar 5, Ocean 3 = Aqua 4, Daffodil 2 = sunflower

January 2025 - hatching

We’ll be working with shading, shadows, and hatching in this box. We’ll focus on learning how to do hatching and will explore different ways to use this very important tapestry technique. We’ll address how to use hatching for color gradation, shading, and to help accentuate forms. We’ll look at using irregular hatching as well as making patterns and forms with regular hatching.

Colors for this box are: White, Lime 3, Meadow 2, Indigo 4, Walnut 3, Cherry 5, Violet 1. If you’d like additional colors added to your box, you shoudl contact Gist Yarn starting January 1, 2025. They ship the box on January 15th.

For those of you in the UK, Weaversbazaar equivalents as close as I can come are: WB: White = White, Lime 3 = Apple 4, Meadow 2 = Lush Green, Indigo 4 = Blue 3, Walnut 3 = Aubergine, Cherry 5 = Ruby 3, Violet 1 = Violet 4. The weaversbazaar palette is quite different from Array, so these are only rough approximations. Feel free to use your own color choices, just make sure you have some value differences.

The gallery below contains examples from the boxes including work of Rebecca’s and student work.

Have more questions? Feel free to contact me HERE.

Registration is open on Gist Yarn’s website.

I really like the format of this course. The exercises take me out of my comfort level and make me try new things. And I really like the different colors. So many of the colors I would never have ac​quired on my own.​
— Meg M.
I loved the first Tapestry Box! I have an auto subscription now!
— Sheila B.