The Art of Tapestry Weaving — Rebecca Mezoff

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The Art of Tapestry Weaving: A Complete Guide to Mastering the Techniques for Making Images with Yarn

This book was written for my students. I’ve been teaching tapestry weaving online and in person for a decade now and I’ve reached thousands of students especially through my online school. But there are many people who have asked me for a reference book over the years. A book they can keep in their studio and refer to as they work through technical and design challenges in tapestry weaving. This is that book.

Table of Contents, first two pages, The Art of Tapestry Weaving

Table of Contents, third page, The Art of Tapestry Weaving

Reviews for the book

Publisher’s Weekly

You’ll find other reviews on all purchasing sites and I’m adding some more at the end of this page. If you purchased your book from Amazon and you’re enjoying it, I would greatly appreciate you leaving a five-star review on the book page HERE.

Weaving teacher Mezoff surveys contemporary tapestry techniques in her beautiful and expansive debut. Mezoff reminds readers that “there are many combinations of tools and materials you can use to create a tapestry,” and one of her goals for the book is “simplifying those choices so that you can get started.” The author begins by suggesting novices get comfortable making mistakes, before going on to cover everything from yarn terminology to how to choose a loom. The book’s second part teaches crafters how to make tapestries of their own. For Mezoff, “one of the most magical things about tapestry is that the structure of the fabric and the image are created at the same time,” with every tapestry “woven from bottom to top much like a brick wall is formed: each brick supports the ones above it.” Throughout, she uses close-up illustrations and diagrams to explain the more complicated aspects of the craft, such as determining “ whether a weft yarn will work on a particular warp.” Handsome photographs, a glossary of terms, a primer on color theory and design principles, a succinct history of tapestries, and examples of tapestries by artists working in the medium today round things out. Mezoff’s canny and thoughtful guide is sure to inspire crafters of all skill and experience levels.
— A starred review from Publisher's Weekly

The Art of Tapestry Weaving by Rebecca Mezoff

Have you ever looked upon a tapestry in awe of the imagery created in yarn and the skill of the weaver who accomplished it?
The magic of this art form is revealed by tapestry artist, teacher, and author Rebecca Mezoff in the new release The Art of Tapestry Weaving. In her pages, tapestry is both a fine art and an accessible craft. Mezoff has taken years of experience teaching thousands of students and refined it into a thorough, clear, and methodical approach to the art and craft of making tapestry. Like all the best instructors, she gives the new weaver permission to weave less than perfectly when starting out, provides a solid foundation of technique, and encourages weavers to explore. . . .
— Handwoven magazine, Jan/Feb 2021
This book is by far the best book I’ve read that teaches how to create a tapestry weaving. It’s great for beginners. I wish I had a book like this 30 years ago. As I seasoned weaver with 30 years of experience, I’m discovering new tips and techniques! The book is well organized from start to finish. The discussions are well thought out and clear to understand. The photos/pictures are very useful and clearly convey the lessons being discussed. I highly recommend this book for any weaver who wants to learn more.
— Donald Sandoval, renowned New Mexican tapestry artist via Facebook
The books ‘fresh’ aesthetic has been a hallmark of Mezoff’s presentation style since she has come into the arena of teaching weaving, including her straightforward, uncomplicated manner of explaining the process. The book’s strength lies in how well it is organized: the multitude of images to illustrate techniques, materials, equipment, and tapestries (hers, and those of other tapestry weavers); and in how thoroughly this information is presented. . . .

I am a visual and experiential learner, and the words only make sense after I’ve seen the process of whatever it is that I am trying to learn, so I appreciate that this book marries both text and image so well, facilitating and yielding much more successful results. Even if you have never woven before, everything is so clearly and beautifully illustrated, warding off any confusion that may arise, not only for those who are new to tapestry weaving, but also for those that have tried and not achieved the results they hoped for.
— Line Dufour, review in Tapestry Topics, the triennial publication of the American Tapestry Alliance, Spring 2021

Where to purchase The Art of Tapestry Weaving

This book is available wherever books are sold and in many countries around the world.

I think it is wonderful that your book is available from anywhere that sells books - I’ve seen it in my local bookshop in a smallish town in the southwest of England and I just think that is so cool. Congrats on your success.
— YouTube comment on a Change the Shed episode where I talked about the book

Big online retailers like Amazon or Barnes and Noble have the book and you are welcome to get it there.

Please consider buying it from your local bookstore. If you don’t have a local bookstore, I’m sorry! is a great place that will donate to independents if you purchase online from them.

Mirrix Looms also carries the book as do many other weaving shops. Please support them over Amazon.

Want a signed copy?

I have signed copies of The Art of Tapestry Weaving in my shop HERE. I also have signed copies of my first book Untangled and you can save on shipping and price by buying the bundle with both.

Outside the USA

Amazon has the book all over the world, but again, please consider independent or small shops to purchase wherever you can. Here are a few options I know about.

United Kingdom/Europe

Blackwell’s has the book HERE.

my Blog posts about the book

I’ve rambled on about this book here and there over the last several years. Here is a list of posts in case you’re interested in the process or more about the book.

The Photoshoot: Making a Book.

I didn’t write a lot about the actual process of writing a book. But the photoshoot was a two week marathon of work at Storey’s headquarters in North Adams, MA. I am still so grateful to my 3M team (Michal, Mars, and Michaela) who were so even-keeled and were kind when I was exhausted and who kept insisting the photos be right even when I didn’t care any more due to fatigue. They’re true professionals.

Video Trailer: The Art of Tapestry Weaving

Short post that includes the above trailer video.

A new look, a new book, and the energy the fire took…

This post has a section about the introduction to the book, “How to be a Beginning Tapestry Weaver” that is important to me.

Writings by other people about the book

Rebecca Mezoff’s The Art of Tapestry Weaving: Molly Elkind on 11-11-20
Shopping for Tapestry Books? Kathy Spoering on 12-13-20

More Reviews

Rebecca’s book is ESSENTIAL READING. Even if you’re taking classes, you’ll come back to this book again and again. Along with Alden Amos’ big book on spinning wheels, probably the book I use and refer to the most.
— Kelly Bell via email 2023
This week I had about 3 inches of tapestry woven on my Mirrix loom. Then one of the warps snapped. I was about to just pull it all off the loom in disgust, when I remembered something from the book. In consulting it I found the fix! Fantastic.
— Cathy W. via email
The Art of Tapestry Weaving is equal parts passion and precision. The depth and detail Rebecca Mezoff brings to teaching the craft of tapestry weaving guarantees you will need no other book to learn the essential skills. The breadth and joy she brings to teaching the art of tapestry assures the growth of your ability, creativity and excitement at the loom for a long, long time.
— Jillian Moreno, fiber arts teacher, and author of Yarnitecture: A Knitter's Guide to Spinning: Building Exactly the Yarn You Want
It is rare that a book comes along that covers a subject with such depth as this one does. You can tell the author knows her subject deep down, has spent years honing her skills, and is an enthusiastic and generous teacher. The Art of Tapestry Weaving will endure because it is thorough, covers any question a student of tapestry might have, provides in depth information, and clear illustrations. It inspires.
— Jane Patrick, Creative Director, Schacht Spindle Company
The fiber arts are perennially popular, but weaving is not as widely practiced, and tapestry weaving is a specific subset that may appear even more impenetrable. To be sure, tapestry weaving is a particular art form with lots of jargon and is not as easy for a beginner to pick up as, say, knitting or crochet. Tapestry weaving looms come in several varieties, each with its own benefits, and it may be difficult for a beginner to know how to choose even the most basic equipment to start with. The advantage of this book is that it lays out all the details and techniques in an almost curricular way, so that readers feel as though they are taking a class taught by a master. A historical overview includes the many cultures in which tapestry weaving is traditional, and provides readers with a grounding in the art form and significant artists. The high level of detail in the explanations of everything from equipment to materials to techniques makes this book a must-have for the aspiring tapestry weaver.
— Booklist
The act of taking what we see in our mind’s eye and recreating it on the loom fulfills a deep human need for expression, joy, and solace. With a clear, calm, knowledgeable voice, Rebecca has created an invaluable guide to learning what makes a tapestry a tapestry and how to make one yourself.
— Liz Gipson, owner of Yarnworker School of Weaving and author of Handwoven Home
Rebecca Mezoff has published the best introduction to tapestry weaving book I have ever read. There are dozens of photos of samples she has woven to illustrate every point. There are images of the work of contemporary tapestry artists to further illustrate the lessons. When a new topic is introduced, she will give you the page numbers forward and back to refer to for elaboration so no more hunting through the book saying to yourself, “didn’t I read about this somewhere?” Her prose is clear, she defines terms used, and she is funny. It is a good read as well as a primer on how to weave tapestry.
— Barbara Heller, renowned tapestry artist, Canada; in the Canadian Tapestry Network Winter 2020 newsletter
With knowledge, common sense, and an encouraging manner, Rebecca intelligently guides us through the process of tapestry weaving. The illustrations in this new “must-have” book will inspire and inform tapestry weavers of all levels. I was especially excited to see the beautiful and informative chapters on yarn choices and color theory — two areas that, as a weaver, I am constantly considering.
— Susan Iverson,​ president​ of the American Tapestry Alliance​ and professor emerita, Virginia Commonwealth University
Noted educator Rebecca Mezoff wants you to fall in love with tapestry weaving. She walks you through the process, explaining every nuance in precise, clear imagery and language, anticipating any pitfall along the way, so you can have a smooth journey from novice to expert. This book will sit by your loom as friend and mentor; it is destined to be a classic.
— Bhakti Ziek, weaving teacher, artist, and writer​
I can think of no clearer voice than Rebecca’s to contribute to the timeless story of tapestry making. This book will launch a new generation of tapestry artists and inspire all makers of contemporary cloth. I can not wait to see the impact!
— Mary Zicafoose, tapestry weaver, author of Ikat: The Essential Guide to Weaving Resist-Dyed Cloth (Penguin/Random House), American Tapestry Alliance co-director emeritus
Rebecca’s words and images resonate with the weaver inside all of us. Throughout this engaging and inspiring book Rebecca draws you into her world of fiber and form. And in the manner of all great teachers, she gently takes your hand and leads you through this tapestry journey from which there is no turning back.
— Claudia Chase, President and Founder of Mirrix Looms
This book brings to its reader the gentle, easy, and highly informative way of teaching for which Rebecca is well known. Most importantly, nothing is assumed, and technical terms are used only after they have been painlessly explained. I wish I’d had such a book when I was learning tapestry.
— Michael F. Rohde, tapestry artist​ and former president of the American Tapestry Alliance
Oh, how I wish I’d had Rebecca Mezoff’s The Art of Tapestry Weaving when I began learning about tapestry over thirty years ago! Back then, I started out on a self-teaching adventure to learn the basics of the technique — with lots of questions and few places to find answers. With clear text and beautiful illustrations, Rebecca’s book is a perfect solution to the ‘I want to do tapestry and don’t have a teacher!’ dilemma many of us still find ourselves in today.
— Tommye McClure Scanlin, professor emerita, University of North Georgia, and director of the American Tapestry Alliance
Maybe my book will be a guide along the way. I hope it will join the other tapestry books available, whether older or new ones. I particularly hope that it will become a great companion to Rebecca Mezoff’s book published in 2020, The Art of Tapestry Weaving. Rebecca wrote the foreword to my book and I continue to encourage people who want to learn about tapestry to seek out her online classes as well as her book.
— Tommye Scanlin in a blog post about her own newest book, Tapestry Design Basics and Beyond
Rebecca Mezoff has proven herself to be a worthy successor to her mentor, James Koehler, in her weaving, her teaching, and her writing. The Art of Tapestry Weaving is an impressively comprehensive resource on tapestry, presented in the friendly and accessible voice that students of Rebecca have come to know and love. This book is bound to become a classic in its field.
— Jennifer Moore, author of The Weaver's Studio: Doubleweave
With clean and concise text, clear diagrams and inspirational photos Rebecca answers all your tapestry questions, including the ones you didn’t know you had. This book is meant to be read, reread, highlighted and underlined with notes scrawled in the margins; it belongs in every tapestry weaver’s library.
— Maggie Casey, teacher and author of Start Spinning: Everything you Need to Know to make Great Yarn
This book comes at the perfect time, as more and more weavers delve into tapestry weaving. Rebecca covers all those things you really want to know: choosing yarns, mastering different warping techniques, setting up a tapestry. Best of all, she explores a variety of techniques and explains why you want to choose one over another. The illustrations are plentiful and the instructions superb. You can really, truly learn to weave tapestry from this book or use it as a textbook for one of Rebecca’s excellent online tapestry courses.
— Schacht Spindle Company Fall Newsletter, 2020
Just got the technical work on weaving the tapestry from I am really impressed with this exhaustive and rigorous book that addresses a wide audience. All aspects of tapestry are treated and generously illustrated. Rebecca did a masterful job.
In addition, I’m proud to see my tapestry Sensitive Cordes as a reference for choosing a chain that highlights the texture of weaving and allows for more sustained chromatic effects.
This is a book I recommend to anyone interested in tapestry technique and want to learn to weave tapestry.
— Suzanne Paquette, tapestry artist and educator, translated from the French via Facebook
“Rebecca’s new release is a wonderfully comprehensive review of tapestry weaving from the European tradition with references to other cultures. The book is divided into two sections, Learning and Making. I found chapters 1-5 about “Learning” to be good solid information on the general processes of looms, yarns, warping, and weaving. Any beginning tapestry weaver will find these chapters extremely helpful in creating a path forward in perhaps this daunting process of steps to creating with yarn. . . .
Rebecca’s writing style is entirely readable and engaging. I found this book to be a page turner and was rewarded by beautiful photos and diagrams as I read through the text. Her understanding of “fiber” from spinning to yarn to structure was evident. Rebecca’s knowledge of color is clear through references to optical and mechanical mixing of color in spinning, structure, and the dye studio.”
— David Johnson
The Art of Tapestry Weaving is the comprehensive manual on tapestry weaving that many of us have been waiting for. I highly recommend it to anyone with an interest in the subject.
— Robin Monogue for the Pikes Peak Weavers newsletter

Comments sent to me personally from readers

There are many reviews of the book out now in various places online and above, but the reviews below which people take the time to send me personally mean the most. Many of them are from people who have been my students. I wrote the book for them.

So happy with this book!!! Just joined Philadelphia Handweavers Guild Tapestry group and we use as our textbook for the class.
— Lori S. via Facebook
After 17 years, I can no longer weave on a floor loom due to physically limitations. This book got me weaving again, providing a much needed fiber fix. Still so much to learn, but I think I’m making progress!
— Judy K. via Facebook
Oh Rebecca... I got your book in the mail today! It looks wonderful! I don’t usually plan on reading a Tapestry book from cover to cover - but that’s exactly my plan for your book! I’ve already read the first page and I can tell I’m going to love it! Yay!
— Marla Shoemaker, Manhattan, KS
Just received the book yesterday!! I ordered it from our beloved Portland, Oregon Powell’s Bookstore. I started reading it last night and I agree with Sarah Swett’s comment in the Foreword that I need to read with my loom by my side. I am an emerging tapestry weaver. This book and my loom are what will get me through the likely nightmare of the coming weeks. Thanks for creating this beautiful guide through the world of tapestry.
— Joanne Trask via my blog
Just received my copy of The Art of Tapestry Weaving. It’s exactly what I’ve been waiting for, a clear, concise and organized manual for beginning students. I have all the older books but they just don’t seem to be reader friendly. Thank you for taking the time to put it all together.
— Rana D-B via email
I just received your book! So much work has gone into it! A complete reference guide, every tapestry weaver should have a copy near their loom. Lovely pictures, great instructions, very well written. Lovely bound with strong hardcover. A treasure trove to have. Thank you for taking the time for writing this. I am very proud to say, my teacher wrote that.
— Ineke Dusseljee via YouTube
I picked up your book today from my local bookshop. What an amazing tapestry book! All my notes in one spot and all explained so clear and logical.
I love all the fabulous images to the explanations. Thank you so much for this great book and for inspiring all of us tapestry weavers, experienced and new.
— Victoria via email
My book just arrived, and what a stunner! I think this is destined to become the new must-have bible for tapestry weavers! It’s very impressive, Rebecca, and its arrival today of all days was a real brightener, I must say.
— Debbie E. via email on Nov. 3, 2020
Rebecca, we received our pre-ordered book today. Your classes have always been a joy to watch and learn. Often we watch them for pure entertainment value. We were always more than satisfied with your gift of teaching. Opening the book and seeing it listed for the Library of Congress gave me goosebumps. Seeing the publisher
“Storey Publishing” made me more aware the quality of the book. The dedication brought tears to my eyes. The contents shares your engaging writing style and the Foreword by Sarah brought a smile to my face. Bravo Rebecca on your extraordinary sense of teaching. Even the choice of colors for your samples are a feast for the eyes and ageless. All the illustrations and photos are so professionally created. The text reads as a well written novel. Often reminding us of your class videos. The book will be a classic learning tool for Tapestry Weaving. We can only hope there are more books in your future. Your path in life is tapestry and the book shows your passion and understanding of the craft. Rebecca thank you for creating and writing the book. It is Wonderful.
— Susan and Mac M. via Facebook
I am over the moon excited. The Art of Tapestry Weaving arrived in today’s mail. It is absolutely beautiful! It is truly a treasure.
— Sandy Schniepp
What a glorious book you have written - I have just downloaded the kindle version and I am loving it….

I cannot believe the amount of work you have done and all the step-by-step photos and instructions are so clear… and so much inspiration!

This is going to be my “go-to” reference book… it is already my favourite!! Your encouraging and smiling voice comes through on every page…. I can so “hear” you!
— Helen Smith, UK
My book was waiting for me when I got home yesterday, and I’ve read up to p 60 so far. I am in awe of the amazing amount of detailed and solid information you have pulled together, @rebeccamezofftapestry! I wish I’d had this book when I started weaving. Even now after 10 years of tapestry weaving, I’m flagging pages that have info that’s new to me or solves nagging problems.
— Molly Elkind via Instagram
Love this book!! There is something in it for everyone. Everyone who weaves tapestry should own one.
— Dagmar Weissenborn via Facebook
Received my book yesterday! As a new weaver, I am a amazed at all the knowledge it holds. The only book I will need. Thank You!
— Joanna Winter via Facebook
My book came today. It’s amazing! Thank you so much for the work you have obviously put into this book. It is just what I need to help me on my path to being a good weaver. Thank you so much Rebecca.
— Vanessa Isom via YouTube
Mine arrived (UK) yesterday Rebecca. I’ve spent a little time with it and it’s THE best tapestry book I’ve ever seen. You are so generous with your knowledge - thank you!!!
— Rose Hatcher via Facebook
It has reached the UK, hurrah. Beautifully written, really interesting, and wow, bigger than I expected. What a wonderful achievement. Looking forward to delving deep and maybe finishing the tiny tapestry currently on the “loom” (ie wooden rectangle) for far longer than I’d like to admit!
— Kathy Flowerdew via Facebook
Really classy book with great detail on the art.
— Bob Johnson via Facebook (Rebecca being thrilled anything she did was called "classy")
It came yesterday. I have over 300 weaving and tapestry books and this one is the most beautiful but more important, the best written. It really will help you learn the art. The examples are wonderful. Very modern take on learning and enjoying tapestry.
— Kathy K. via Facebook
Rebecca’s book arrived today — a Sunday morning! I am halfway through it, and it is WONDERFUL! This is the go-to book! The writing is splendid, the diagrams are splendid, the images of tapestry are splendid. Splendid also are Rebecca’s descriptions of possible problems and how to deal with them. And splendid is the quality that the publisher bestowed on this book. The pages themselves feel good in the hand, and the color images sing. . . . Congratulations to you and your publisher for the work and decisions that went into this instructional reference that we will cherish.
— Barbara Armstrong via Facebook
I just got your new book in the mail 2 days ago. I’m so thrilled with it. I really love your online classes, but there’s something about digging in to a beautiful, well put together book that is so special. Thank you!!!
— Gisela Towner in a blog comment
Hi Rebecca....I studied weaving at Sir JJ school of Arts, Mumbai, India more than 30 years ago but somehow life took over....suddenly found tapestry weaving again and stumbled upon your youtube videos....can’t thank you enough for reviving my love for the much to learn...but most importantly I just received your book “The Art of Tapestry Weaving”!!!!! Through Amazon India......I’m not a religious person but this is my Bible from now on!!!...Thanks again from Mumbai....Iona
— Iona J. via Facebook
My sister Marilyn gave me your new book as a birthday gift last week. I had hesitated to buy it since I already had several books on tapestry weaving.
Well, what a treasure Marilyn gave me. The book is just beautiful and so complete. I just pick it up to enjoy the lovely pictures and find a nugget of wisdom about tapestry. It will always be my go-to book when sorting out questions about the art I am trying to learn.
Thank you so much. It is a triumph.
— Donna R. via email
Enjoying your book very much. Reads like a GREAT College Text! One can learn near on everything needed about tapestry weaving in the 306 pages of beautifully photographed , illustrated and written work!
— Dawn Klug via my website
I bought your book to add to my collection of books on textiles, but I see that it is written to instruct, to make the art of weaving accessible to others. The book is absolutely beautiful. I love your references throughout the book to examples on other pages. I recognize the care for your craft and for your reader so we can get the most out of your book. It is scarcely done anymore — it is so very valuable to have those references! The book itself is a work of art. And I am ready to start!
— Lee Ann via email, 12-2020
Un muy cordial saludo estoy feliz ya recibí poner fin tu libro tan esperado
Excelente libro estoy entusiasmada a trabajar en esto
Un fuerte abrazo desde México 🇲🇽
— Silvia C. via email
While waiting for the book, you recommended, I bought your book - The art of tapestry weaving! A quite wonderful and extremely useful book - I have never in Denmark found a book of that quality and that is so easy to understand.
— Mette H. via email, March 2021 [she had asked about Nancy Harvey's pattern book]