Randomness — Rebecca Mezoff

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The random blog post title might have come from the Yarn Harlot. She is my favorite fiber blogger and often makes me snort right out loud. Some days you just have to post random things.

Last weekend I spent a few hours helping out my sister and brother-in-law with their house. That is me and my sis on the roof. Never thought I could get up there, but climbing harnesses do help a bunch!

I finished Emergence II. It has not been photographed yet, but will be soon as it is getting a ride to Germany in just over a week. Here is the end of it on the loom with the cartoon behind it.
And here is my new tapestry bumper sticker. Kathe Todd-Hooker is the author of this one! She just finished a book called "So Warped" and I suspect that had something to do with the idea for this sticker. I love it.