Donna Loraine Contractor's new show at Weaving Southwest
I had to go to Taos today so I stopped by Weaving Southwest to investigate Donna Loraine Contractor's new show. I was unable to be at the opening last weekend, but I hear it was well-attended.
I had heard that the show was going to be hung from the ceiling, but I couldn't quite envision how this was going to work. To be honest, I was a bit skeptical. But I have to say (at least in the bright light of day) that it was quite effective to see all those window pieces hanging from the ceiling (but watch out lest you walk into one!). Teresa Loveless and her trusty crew hung them on monofilament--the filament went through the hollow lucite bars that Donna uses to hang her pieces. With the pieces hung from two points on the ceiling, this allowed them to be leveled easily (especially when the wind had other ideas).
On the back wall from left to right are three pieces each of Letitia Roller, Mary Zicafoose, and Robin Reider.
Here is my grouping: Emergence II (the one with the blue square and spiral), Inscription (two green panels), and the small one underneath is called Spaces: Pause.
These three pieces are by another favorite tapestry artist of mine, LaDonna Mayer of Santa Fe. We are all anxiously awaiting her city-scapes... though I fear we may have to wait awhile to see them unveiled!
These three pieces are by Michael Rohde, another favorite tapestry artist.
And here is a somewhat clearer shot of Letitia Roller's three pieces.
And finally here is a photo of me and my new haircut...
Oh wait, sorry, that is Hilary Swank. My teeth aren't that white, but otherwise the resemblance is uncanny, don't you think?