Tapestry Class Schedule for summer and fall of 2013 — Rebecca Mezoff

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Tapestry Class Schedule for summer and fall of 2013

Here it is folks. If you haven't already heard the news through my newsletter (sign up here), the list of real-time, in-person workshops for the next few months is finalized. At least it is finalized in my head. Things change and it is quite possible that with a little pressure suggestion, I would add a workshop or two (for example, if you're interested in a beginning tapestry techniques class, I'd really like to know that!).
Here is a stab at the list. You can double check it at all times on my website at www.rebeccamezoff.com/workshops. (Please let me know if my brain and my website are not in sync today.) You can also sign up for a class in my studio while you are there or find the link to register for workshops held outside of my studio.

Color Gradation Techniques for Tapestry, Harrisville Designs, Harrisville, NH, August 5-9, 2013. This class has the advantage of being 5 days long (not to mention the amazing setting!) so in addition to my successful color gradation material, we will be learning some tapestry techniques and tips to help you accomplish the kind of work you want to do. I have checked with Harrisville and there are a few spots left in this class. So if you're been thinking about it, now is the time to grab one of those spots. You can sign up on the Harrisville Designs website HERE.

Successful Design for Tapestry, Rebecca Mezoff Tapestry Studio, Santa Fe, September 22-24, 2013. This class will be taught with Cornelia Theimer Gardella as part of a weekend of events celebrating our official studio opening. There will be a blog post coming up with the whole line-up of events, but if you're interested in this class, it is going to be a wonderful mix of two teachers in a great setting. To register for this class, check out my new workshops page on my website. You can also call me or email me or Cornelia to sign up. This class is going to be a great experience: small group of students, two great teachers, beautiful studio, Santa Fe in the fall.

Color Gradation Techniques for Tapestry, Rebecca Mezoff Tapestry Studio, Santa Fe, October 6, 7, and 8, 2013. This is following Taos Wool Festival so you can go see the festival on Saturday and come take a tapestry class Sunday through Tuesday. Visit my website to sign up for this class HERE. The Taos Wool Festival is a yearly favorite for me and I highly recommend a few hours browsing the booths, petting the angora bunnies, watching the churro sheep shearing, hanging out in Kit Carson Park watching the spinning demonstrations, and seeing some great crafts. I'll definitely be there on Saturday.

The official studio opening has been scheduled! It is going to be Saturday September 21st, 2013 from 4 to 6 pm. Further events to be announced.

In other news, I am now accepting private students in my studio in Santa Fe. I used to be a piano teacher and private tapestry lessons are something that fits right into that pattern for me. So if you want to come an hour or two a week, that is great! If you want to come at some other interval or just once for a specific question, we can work that out too! There is more information on my website HERE or email me with questions.

And if you missed my newsletter of last week, you can see it at THIS link. There is a link to sign up at the top right of this blog as well as at the very bottom of the blog (if there are multiple entries showing up you may need to scroll a long way to find this one. When I figure out a pop-up light box for this feature I'll be really excited.)
 With lots of positive weaving energy and fingers crossed for more cooler damp weather, weave on!