Online Tapestry Class, Warp and Weft: Learning the Structure of Tapestry
I loved this course! Rebecca's thoughtful consideration for her students comes through in all the videos, written materials, and discussion areas... --Gina Pruette
Warp and Weft: Learning the Structure of Tapestry is my new online beginning tapestry techniques class. I started working on this class almost a year ago when I realized how many requests I was getting for online classes. Taking workshops in person is great fun and an excellent way to learn, but the potential for a longer-term focused learning situation in a format you can access from home is the way to go for some people.
Below is the trailer for the class. Take a look!
This class is for people who are new to tapestry weaving or who have been away from it for awhile and need a refresher.
Taking this online class is kind of like having a workshop with me... but for four weeks. Plus you get to wear pajamas if you want to. The first part alone has four hours of video in it as well as extensive handouts and practice exercises. But the best part is that you get access to me throughout the four weeks of the class. I am there every week-day to answer questions, look at photos of your work and offer suggestions. I can also offer solutions if what is presented in the class just isn't making sense to you. You get to learn from the comfort of your own home on your own equipment. (And if you are that learner who doesn't need teacher interaction, I am offering the entire series as a self-paced experience at a lower price point. See my website for details.)
I had a lot of fun creating this course. If it sounds like the right thing for you, I hope to see you in the classroom!
Click here for the class registration page!
A few details:
Rebecca's online class absolutely exceeded my expectations... --Ute Conly
- All you need is an internet connection fast enough to stream video, a loom to weave on, some yarn, a few tools, and a little time.
- To register you will be taken to the Pathwright program where the class is hosted. You will have access immediately to a video and some handouts about materials and tools needed for the class.
- The rest of the class material will not be released until April 28th. After that date you will have access to all of the content of the class and can work as quickly as you'd like. Please see full scheduling details on my website HERE.
- You will have access to the material for approximately 14 weeks which means if you choose to take Parts 2 and 3 right after Part 1, you can refer back to all the material until the end of Part 3 plus a two week implementation period.
- You can only register for the first part now but the second and third will be up as soon as my intrepid testers have had finished examining them. They loved the first part and things only get better from there.
- The first part starts April 28th, but if that is not good timing for you, I will offer the classes repeatedly through the rest of 2014.
There is also a FAQ page on my website that answers many questions HERE.
And if you have more questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!
PS. I sent out a newsletter last Thursday with information about the class. If you are not on my list or you missed this one, you can see it HERE. Make sure you sign up for your own copy (see SUBSCRIBE link at the top of the sidebar on this blog).