Video: Tapestry weaving, low-warp style — Rebecca Mezoff

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Video: Tapestry weaving, low-warp style

Many of you have asked me to shoot a video of me actually weaving. I shoot many videos for the online course, but they are almost always done on a Mirrix loom. Here is an example of me weaving my own work on my Harrisville rug loom. Never fear, if you get dizzy, you can skip to the end where I show weaving in real time.

In the video I'm working on some areas I am outlining eccentrically so I am not using the beater on the loom for the most part.

Tapestry weaving, low-warp style with Rebecca Mezoff
(As always, you can go to my YouTube channel by clicking the YouTube icon in the lower right of the video player. While you're there, subscribe to my channel for future tapestry weaving videos. I have some new ones planned for this summer!)

Rigging up a video camera to shoot on a low-warp loom isn't easy! I'll have to give it another go without so many views of the top of my head.

This is the loom I was weaving on.