Privys, marmots, and holiday skepticism

This is the moment, isn't it? When we feel Christmas roaring down on us like a freight train?

I am determined to stay calm this year. I have a few gifts and ideas for various nieces and nephews and a group project for everyone else. I also have an understanding with my family that Christmas need not contain gifts, though chocolate is always welcome. I'm going to sit back and weave (with some knitting and spinning of course) for the month of December. We're going to visit family and I'm going to let the nephews beat me at video games (Okay the truth is, I'm not allowed to play. They ask if I want to "watch them" play. They learned years ago that I'm hopeless... Lots of knitting gets done. They do have an ancient arcade version of Pac-Man I'm hoping to get to play this year. That statement dates me, though the youngest nephew will obliterate me anyway.)

I have had quite a year of work. I accomplished a lot and have a lot left to do in the next month. But I am a wee bit tired.

This time of year can feel crushing. I want nothing more than to do some weaving and enjoy some time with my family. I don't want to buy things (despite the need for a new set of wheels) and the birds at my feeders are grand enough entertainment for me. I do like some holiday lights and a little snow though.

Below is your public service announcement for the week... if your toilet is outside in marmot country that is. (Which isn't so far fetched in my world really. This one is in Rocky Mountain National Park. There is no roof on this privy which explains how the marmots get in there in the first place.)

May the marmots stay out of your toilet. Really the biggest problem is for the marmot I think.