After trying to convince myself for a whole day that the camel/silk yarn I found in the stash was going to be the perfect thing for this two-week teaching trip, I quickly caved when Emily (the enabler) suggested we could make a quick stop by The Loopy Ewe on our way downtown last night. It took me no less than two seconds to agree whole-heartedly. Luckily for me, the Ewe is open until 8:30 on Thursdays and yesterday folks, was Thursday.
I did fail in my resolve to fill my project needs from the stash. These two lovely skeins of Dream came home with me. I'm going to make Light in Shadows. While I know you're disappointed in my failure to "knit down the stash" a little more, the resulting shawl will be lovely... and keep me occupied during those three-hour layovers in Atlanta I just saw on my itinerary (really Delta? BOTH directions?).
As for the rest of today? After a little time at the loom (to ward off the crazies), packing will be what is left. The pile of stuff to fit into one suitcase and a carry-on is looking more than a little daunting. The astute among you will realize there aren't any clothes in this photo and yes, that is an entire crate of yarn. (We aren't going to mention the 25 pounds of yarn I sent FedEx last week.) I'm afraid a second checked bag is going to join the party.
Penland, here I come!
Follow along on this adventure right here on the blog or on Instagram. And if you want to see the course content the students will be working with, check out my Color Gradation Techniques online class. You can even work along with us!
Yep, that is the pipe loom in the suitcase. Unless I change my mind (always a danger), I'm going to see if I can't do a couple four-selvedge pieces on this trip. Fingers crossed that TSA lets that one through! I will put the cones of warp in the other checked bag. They apparently look a lot like liquid and pipes and liquid together in one suitcase seems like a bad bet.