Some optimism remains — Rebecca Mezoff

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Some optimism remains

Spinzilla 2017 came and went and I didn't reach my goal but I did have a great time and my spinning improved.

I showed you my pile in the "An Optimism Problem" blog post so I thought I'd better fess up and show you how the week ended.

I made a rather random goal of spinning three miles, forgetting that in the past I had only spun a bit more than one mile in a week. I came a bit short of two miles. Next year, in case you hear me say otherwise, remind me my goal is two miles.

You might remember that spinning all of this was my goal this year.

And this is how much I spun. The brown was a warm-up spin. The small multi-colored skein was a spindled bit I did while at the Clothroads film festival on Saturday. And the rest came from that stack of rolags.

Spinzilla yardage, 2017

Of course I still had to work. I always think maybe I can take a week off and spin, but it won't happen mostly because my hands can't handle spinning all day every day. It would be a very bad ergonomic decision even if my head wants to do it. 

What is left of that initial pile?

Almost all of it. I still have this many rolags left in that collection and everything else is still waiting to be spun. I'm not in a hurry. Winter is coming.

The week ended on a high note with a huge spin-in at the Denver Art Museum. Team Shuttles showed up and put away some yardage in between a lot of laughter and trips to the ladies room where there is a set of sinks that play Row Row Row Your Boat and if you start them running at the right time, you can make it sing a round. I've never been successful at this feat, but I tried again this year.

Here are a few Spinzilla photos. The Denver Art Museum is starting a multi-year (like probably 3 year) renovation of this building and so sadly we will be unable to do this next year. A big thanks to Schacht Spindle Company for setting this up again this year and to the DAM for hosting us.

It's a lot of spinners; Spinzilla 2017 at the Denver Art Museum

Team Shuttle Spinners cranking out some yardage. Our fearless leader, Maggie Casey, is here in red with her trusty Matchless.

One of the great things about a big spin-in in a public place is that people actually ask what you're doing. This is a great argument for weaving/knitting/spinning in public. This is 6-year-old Cameron getting his first spinning lesson from Lynne Rule. We hope he keeps learning! Lynne runs a not-for-profit organization called Healing Fibers which helps differently abled people use crafts in helpful ways in their lives. She is an inspiring person, talented teacher, and I'll just say, an excellent spinner (among other things). Please visit her website and lend a hand if you can.

Before I left the museum, I stopped to see the Mi Tierra show which is coming down soon. I mostly wanted to see this piece.

Gabriel Dawe, Plexus No. 36. Made of 36 miles of Gutermann thread (because you were going to ask). Bet he didn't spin it in a week.

Gabriel Dawe, Plexus No 36, Denver Art Museum, Mi Tierra 2017.