Weaving the rainbow in silk: tapestry diary fun — Rebecca Mezoff

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Weaving the rainbow in silk: tapestry diary fun

I’ve been playing around with some silk yarn I got from weaversbazaar over the last week. I first grabbed it as I sat down to watch the semi-final of the World Cup and made the second one during the final a few days later. First it must be noted that it is an exceptional event when I actually plan to watch a sporting event of any kind, especially one that doesn’t involve someone’s children at a nearby park. I know almost nothing about soccer but something about that women’s national team grabbed my imagination and they did not disappoint.

So now I call these two pieces my soccer tapestries. I’m kind of fascinated by the hole-y effect especially in the white one. I could pretend that idea came from watching the ball fly through the holes between the players, but really I was just experimenting with making curved lines, using eccentric outlines, and figuring out how best to minimize the number of ends I was creating.

Warping the four selvedge tiny pipe loom for a 2 x 2 inch tapestry.

Ready to dive into the rainbow silk collection on this Fringeless warp.

The colored yarns are silk and the black and white yarns are wool (18/2 wool also from weaversbazaar). The warp is Brown Sheep wool warp and it is done in the Fringeless style of warping for tapestry. The loom is a tiny pipe loom made of brass given to me by Michael Rohde.*

Rebecca Mezoff, making waves.

Rebecca Mezoff. Notice how things pack together the more is woven.

I finished that first one. (Nice job USA!) And started a similar design with black wool instead of white.

Rebecca Mezoff. Rainbow silk tapestry diary pieces.

Rebecca Mezoff, Fringeless tapestry with wool, silk.

I wasn’t sure whether I’d like the effect of the black or the white better. The black one has more silk colors in it but I have to say that I think I prefer the white one. Black does accentuate fully saturated colors like these, but the white one feels more free.

I went to see Rocketman last night. The movie is about Elton John and I must say I do enjoy a musical especially when the music is good and familiar. I’ll also say that somewhat puzzlingly given my complete indifference to fashion, it made me want to get a really snazzy pair of shoes. The costumes reminded me of these tapestries. Maybe the next one will be for Elton. You have to respect someone who survives all of that to find love and family and continues to delight the world with music.

Rebecca Mezoff, rainbow silk in black, tapestry diary piece, 2 x 2 inches.

What are you working on this summer? Tell us in the comments.

*Michael does not sell these looms. He does occasionally teach workshops in which you receive one of them though. It is 1/8th inch brass and I bet you can figure out how to make one yourself. See pipe loom plans in the Weaving Tapestry on Little Looms or Fringeless online classes.