I have had some wonderful emails from people all over the world about my book, The Art of Tapestry Weaving, which was published in November of 2020. There are some concepts that are harder to translate into images and text and a video can really help demonstrate and some of you have sent me these questions over the last few months.
Ball winder used to turn a skein or yarn on a cone into a ball or cake.
I’d like to do some videos addressing some of those questions this year. I’m starting with a simple one about yarn. I have had yarn around me my entire life. Because of this long exposure to this very addictive substance, it is sometimes hard for me to remember that the way we use or manage yarn can be pretty foreign to people who did not toddle around with a ball of it in hand as an infant. Dave asked me how ball winders work and whether he’d need one or not. The video below is my response. Thanks for the question Dave!
Chapter 2 of The Art of Tapestry Weaving has information about looms but also about other tools you may need for weaving tapestry. In this video I talk about the standard put-up of yarns (skein, cone, ball, tube, etc) and how you might get the yarn into whatever configuration you need to use it the most efficiently.
This video is clearly for the newly initiated, but if you have yarn experience and have a favorite ball winder, let us know what it is in the comments!