Gist Yarn produces a wonderful podcast called Weave. I was interviewed for one of the earliest episodes and last week, we did an updated episode. We talked about my weaving life, my teaching philosophy, and a bit about a new tapestry yarn that is now available for pre-order. The yarn is called Array. I wrote more about the yarn which I’ve been testing for at least a year HERE.
You can listen to the podcast episode HERE or wherever you get your podcasts! It is episode 140.
Tapestry with Gist Yarn’s Array on a Mirrix Saffron loom.
There is a beginner tapestry bundle that Gist has for pre-order which will include 5 colors of Array, a Mirrix Saffron loom, a cone of cotton seine twine warp, and a new tapestry course for beginners from me. You can find more information about the new course, Introduction to Tapestry Weaving, HERE and the bundle on Gist’s site HERE.
As many of you know, I’m off hiking the Colorado Trail this summer. This is a 500-mile trail from Denver to Durango through the most wonderful parts of a beautiful state. I’m posting about the hike on Instagram (also pushed to Facebook). It has been a fantastic experience so far. More information about how to get help with your online classes is in THIS blog post. And always remember there are extensive FAQ pages on my website with answers to most technical problems!
Lake Ann Pass, Colorado Trail
Weaving on the Colorado Trail