100 episodes of Change the Shed: a video romp through three years of tapestry weaving
I started doing my live YouTube broadcast, Change the Shed, in March of 2020 as the Covid-19 pandemic locked us all down. Almost three years later, I’m still doing it. A few things I learned/remembered as I looked back over all those episodes:
The things that will make me cry in front of unknown numbers of people are (1) racism and (2) wildfire.
You sometimes always learn technology under pressure.
My live videos got a lot clearer once the city installed fiber optic.
Green screen is a bad choice for a weaving program.
Viewers have lots of questions about tapestry tools.
Making mistakes on camera is just fine and you all seem to actually appreciate my willingness to screw things up right and left and fix them on camera.
My distress when I realized my book publication date was going to coincide with the 2020 election day.
I’m fairly nerdy and you’re okay with that.
You just have to make it go over, under, over, under, right?
People watch from all over the world and that fills me with gratitude and joy that we can connect from many corners of the earth.
“Two hot pinks and a mauve” is my new band name. I’m on keyboard.
The 100th episode on December 14th, 2022 contained the video below in which I took a look back at the program. If you haven’t seen any of them, this is an 8 minute synopsis! I hope it makes you laugh.
If you’re getting this blog post via email, you can see the video at this link.
You can find links to all the Change the Shed programs on my YouTube channel. Please subscribe when you go there. I also have pages on my website with links to the things I talked about in each episode.
Have a wonderful end to 2022
I hope you’re enjoying some rest before the end of the year. Happy Solstice along with whatever holidays you may celebrate. I’ll be back with more tapestry weaving fun in January!
If you need another holiday video about tapestry weaving, here are three from past years:
Happy Holidays 2021 (the knitted creatures video)