I am a member of the
Espanola Valley Fiber Arts Center. I can't say enough good things about this organization. The people who work there are amazingly helpful and the variety of classes and services for weavers and other fiber people are wonderful. I think the fact that a place like this exists at all in a small town like Espanola is a miracle. If you're ever in the area, go and visit. EVFAC has a couple shows a year and I think this is the first time for them to have a show at Fuller Lodge in Los Alamos. I haven't been to Fuller Lodge yet, but I'm going tonight for the opening. Fuller Lodge has a website where they actually post photos of the work. Unfortunately the photos aren't fabulous, but I think the fact that they do this for their shows, which go up frequently, is quite amazing. The website is
www.artfulnm.org. Click on the EVFAC exhibit link. The pieces I submitted to this show are old ones for me. I like the piece with two panels and the large green circles the best. That piece is called Meridians and it hung at my sister's wedding at Quarai (an old ruined adobe church south of Albuquerque). The newer pieces I have I am saving for some juried shows and for the Bauhaus show which may hang before the end of this calendar year. So it will be odd to go to a show where I have work hanging that I don't really connect with that much any more, but I suppose that happens for most artists at some point. I feel like I have moved so far beyond those pieces that I'll have trouble talking about them.

Here is a photo which I am including mostly to mark my progress. This is the piece that I'm weaving at James Koehler's studio and I realize that you can't tell what it is at all yet, but I just want to remind myself that I am making progress! When that tape
measure says 48 inches I'll be really happy. :) It says just over 14 if you can't read that.

And I went hiking last Saturday north of Taos at Cebolla Mesa. It was hot down on the Rio Grande river. There were pasque flowers
out along the trail (at least I think this is what these flowers are... I'm not a botanist though and could just be really wrong). Last night we got a couple inches of snow and the school I work at on Fridays was cancelled. I never tire of getting snow days as an adult... reminds me of the glee of getting them as a child (oh so very infrequently in Gallup, NM).