Red Alder Fiber Arts Retreat

Yarn adventures in Tacoma: teaching, Clara Parkes, and all the other bright stars here...

Yarn adventures in Tacoma: teaching, Clara Parkes, and all the other bright stars here...

I was thrilled to be able to teach at the first annual Red Alder Fiber Arts Retreat in Tacoma last week. I had a great time and thought you, dear reader, might like to see what happened at this conference.

I’ll start with the workshops I taught. The students were so much fun. I am not sure if this is a Pacific Northwest thing or if this particular show (which was Madrona until this year) just brings in people who are easy-going and eager to learn, but my classes were full of such bright souls. I taught Is Tapestry for Me? which was a 2-day beginning tapestry class. And I taught a one-day color class where we played with optical mixing.