Wrap on a raised warp...
James always told me, "advancing color wraps on a raised warp"... (Frequently followed by, "why aren't you doing that?").
I am teaching a class at Intermountain Weaver's Conference next weekend (if you're interested there is an unexpected opening or two) and in preparation for this class (Color Gradation for Tapestry) I did a sampler in the hope that my explanations about hatching and hachure would be a little clearer than mud. Since I chose two very contrasting colors to illustrate the hachures we are going to be learning, the results of not wrapping on the correctly oriented warp thread were extremely obvious. I just wanted to share this graphic illustration... And yes, I do realize that you're only going to get a charge out of this if you're a tapestry weaver... and possibly not even then.
This photo is from the back of the weaving (the side facing me as I was weaving). I weave all my tapestries from the back. I don't want to get into why right this moment. I just do. Wrapping an advancing color on a raised warp yields this bumpy hachure.
I am teaching a class at Intermountain Weaver's Conference next weekend (if you're interested there is an unexpected opening or two) and in preparation for this class (Color Gradation for Tapestry) I did a sampler in the hope that my explanations about hatching and hachure would be a little clearer than mud. Since I chose two very contrasting colors to illustrate the hachures we are going to be learning, the results of not wrapping on the correctly oriented warp thread were extremely obvious. I just wanted to share this graphic illustration... And yes, I do realize that you're only going to get a charge out of this if you're a tapestry weaver... and possibly not even then.
This photo is from the back of the weaving (the side facing me as I was weaving). I weave all my tapestries from the back. I don't want to get into why right this moment. I just do. Wrapping an advancing color on a raised warp yields this bumpy hachure.
But magically when you look at the other ("right") side of the tapestry, it looks like I drew those angles with a straight edge. Cool, eh?
Yep, I'm a bit of a weaving nerd.