Tapestry Diary — Rebecca Mezoff Blog — Rebecca Mezoff

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Tapestry Diary

Fall in Colorado: weaving leaves

Fall in Colorado: weaving leaves

The leaves are changing. In fact, after the snow we had last week, they’re probably mostly done. I’ve taken a few high-altitude hikes lately to enjoy them and found the colors inspiring for tapestry design. Of course the design process always starts with photos when it involves a place I’ve been though sometimes the final weaving looks nothing at all like the photo. I’m usually interested in the feeling of the place more than depicting it in woven form. These sorts of inspirations usually get approached first in my tapestry diary.

The end of September we went to Pingree Park (those of you who come to my CSU Mountain Campus retreats know it well). There is a broad swath of aspens surrounding the campus and they were brilliantly yellow and orange that week. I was still pretty tired from my east coast trip, so we only hiked about 6 miles through the leaves enjoying the sunshine.

The passing of time

Eventually if you talk to enough tapestry weavers, you'll hear something about tapestry and time. Tapestry is certainly a time-intensive medium. There is no way around the fact that we put our images together one strand of yarn at a time.

The American Tapestry Alliance has recently published a wonderful article written by Janette Meetze called The Tapestry Diary: It's about time. I think we can all thank Tommye Scanlin for starting this tapestry diary trend. Tommye is a tapestry weaver I admire a great deal for so many reasons. I'm not surprised she has started a movement.

The accumulation of time...
A Rumi poem, The Sunrise Ruby, as quoted by Tommye in the article

Submit to a daily practice.
Your loyalty to that
is a ring on the door.
Keep knocking and the joy inside
will eventually open a window
and look out to see who’s there.

A daily practice makes a large difference in a life. Adding a little bit every day, eventually we have made ourselves who we are. I think that happens in each moment. I applaud the weavers working on these diaries. They are really very cool!

The link is HERE!
Janette Meetze, detail of tapestry diary; Janette's blog is found at http://jmeetzestudiocommonthreads.blogspot.com/