
Silk reeling and a drawloom made of string and sticks

Silk reeling and a drawloom made of string and sticks

This week I've been reading a beautiful new book from Thrums Books, Silk Weavers of Hill Tribe Laos: Textiles, Tradition, and Well-Being. It is written by Joshua Hirschstein and Maren Beck with photographs by Joe Coca.

The book is framed by the story of Josh and Maren along with their two sons Ari and Zall and their many trips to Laos. With memories of travels in Asia when they were younger, Josh and Maren returned to Asia in 2005 for a six-week backpack type trip and then went to Houaphan Province, Laos in 2006.



I've read a bit about silkworms... and silk. It is a subject that could engross one for a lifetime I believe. Heather Winslow's pre-conference class at Midwest Weaver's Conference this year was about silk and one of her students raises silkworms. And she brought some to class! My classroom was just down the hall so I made a pest of myself and went to look.